The table below gives the distances and elevation gains of the segments of a minimal traverse together with book times calculated by the usual formula. Book time is much less useful on a traverse than on usual trips for several reasons. The terrain is rough, and some people have difficulty moving fast while rock hopping, especially downhill. Most people also slow down substantially towards the end of the trip, and there will be many stops along the way.

I have included an Excel spreadsheet for those who may wish to modify the book time computations.

Segment Dist Elev Gain Cum Dist Cum Elev Gain Book Time Cum Book Time
Valley Way to Madison Hut 3.8 3,550 3.8 3,550 3:40 3:40
Hut to Madison 0.4 550 4.2 4,100 0:28 4:09
Madison to Hut 0.4 0 4.6 4,100 0:12 4:21
Hut to Airline 0.3 300 4.9 4,400 0:18 4:39
Airline to Adams 0.6 650 5.5 5,050 0:37 5:16
Adams to Thunderstorm Junction 0.3 0 5.8 5,050 0:09 5:25
Thunderstorm to Edmands Col 1.3 0 7.1 5,050 0:39 6:04
Edmands Col to Jefferson Loop 0.2 200 7.3 5,250 0:12 6:16
Jefferson Loop to Summit 0.4 600 7.7 5,850 0:30 6:46
Summit to Jefferson Loop 0.3 0 8.0 5,850 0:09 6:55
Jefferson loop to Clay Loop 0.7 50 8.7 5,900 0:22 7:18
Mt Clay Loop 1.2 650 9.9 6,550 0:55 8:13
Mt Clay Loop to Washington 1.1 900 11.0 7,450 1:00 9:13
Washington to Lakes 1.5 0 12.5 7,450 0:45 9:58
Monroe Loop 0.7 350 13.2 7,800 0:31 10:30
Monroe Loop to Eisenhower Loop 1.3 150 14.5 7,950 0:43 11:13
Eisenhower Loop 0.8 350 15.3 8,300 0:34 11:48
Eisenhower Loop to Webster Cliff tr. 1.2 150 16.5 8,450 0:40 12:28
Pierce Summit 0.1 50 16.6 8,500 0:04 12:33
Crawford Notch 3.2 0 19.8 8,500 1:36 14:09